Presbytery Structure

Presbytery Council

The role of the Presbytery Council is to provide leadership, guidance, and support for PEVA's life and witness, to care for the body as a whole and for its particular ministries. The Presbytery Council's responsibilities include oversight, coordination, planning, personnel, budget formation and making recommendations to PEVA for priorities, policies, and other matters as needed.

It shall be comprised of nine individuals elected by PEVA. Members shall include the Council Moderator (ordinarily the immediate past PEVA Moderator), Moderator of PEVA, Vice Moderator of PEVA, and six at large members to include both ministers and ruling elders, with at least one member reflecting the African American constituents of PEVA or other racial ethnic groups consistent with the principles of unity and diversity. The General Presbyter and Stated Clerk are ex-officio members without vote.

To learn more about the Presbytery Council, please see page 8 of the PEVA Manual of Administrative Operations.

  • Council Members

    Elder Joyce Melvin-Jones, Council Moderator

    The Reverend Dr. Christina “Chris” Carrasco, PEVA Moderator

    The Reverend Dr. Garrett B. Bugg, Class of 2027, PEVA Vice-Moderator

    The Reverend Brian Harroff, Class of 2026

    Elder Charity Houghton (Wythe Presbyterian Church), Class of 2028

    The Reverend Dr. Mellissa Sumner Long (Transitional General Presbyter), Ex-officio

    The Reverend Martha E. Mitchell, Class of 2026

    The Reverend Emma Ouellette, Class of 2027

    Elder Clyde Parker (Community Presbyterian Church, Portsmouth), Class of 2027

    Elder Dianne Schoonover (Yorkminster Presbyterian Church), Class of 2028

    Elder Q. John Tamm (Stated Clerk), Ex-officio

  • Board of Trustees

    The Board of Trustees shall serve as the Directors of PEVA, Inc. and as delegated by the Presbytery shall have such limited power, authority, and responsibilities of and shall perform the functions provided by a board of directors under the Virginia Nonstock Corporation Act (hereinafter the "Act." Except as otherwise provided by the Act, the Articles, the Bylaws, the Constitution or this Manual of Operations, the authority to carry out the business affairs of PEVA shall be exercised by the Board of Trustees. The Board shall fulfill the functions required by civil law and those that the Presbytery assigns to it. It shall be responsible for implementing the policies of the Members related to investments, financial guidance, and property; and shall arrange for an annual financial review.

    The Board of Trustees shall be comprised of at least six and no more than eleven individuals including its moderator and be elected by the Presbytery. The Trustee Moderator shall be recommended by the Trustees for PEVA election. Trustees shall include both ministers and ruling elders and normally be divided into three approximately equal classes. They shall normally serve a three-year term and may be elected for one additional three-year term. No trustee shall serve on the Board of Trustees for more than six consecutive years. The General Presbyter and Stated Clerk shall be ex officio members of the Board of Trustees without vote. 

    To learn more about the Board of Trustees, please see pages 8-9 of the PEVA Manual of Administrative Operations.

    Board of Trustees Members

    Elder Lorri Richardson (Community Presbyterian Church, Portsmouth) Class of 2028 Moderator Board of Trustees & President of Corporation

    Elder Sandra Poole (Saint Andrew Presbyterian Church), Class of 2026, Treasurer of the Corporation

    Elder Michael Broadhurst (First Presbyterian Church, Portsmouth), Class of 2027

    The Reverend Dr  Melissa Lissa Long (Transitional General Presbyter), Ex Officio

    Elder  Q. John Tamm (Stated Clerk), Ex Officio

    Elder Larry Hull - Council Liaison (Second Presbyterian Church Norfolk)

    Ms. Regan Knutson (PEVA Business Admin.), Ex Officio

    The Reverend Donald McLean, Class of 2027

    The Reverend Dr John Morgan, Class of 2028

    Elder Jim Pressly (Jamestown Presbyterian Church), Class of 2027

    The Reverend Dr. Helen Louise “Lou” Ventura, Class of 2027

  • Commission on Ministry (COM)

    The Commission on Ministry (COM) is governed by the Book of Order (G-3.0307) and shall serve as pastor and counselor to ministers, ruling elders commissioned to pastoral service, and to certified Christian educators of the Presbytery; to facilitate the relations between the Presbytery and its congregations; and to settle difficulties on behalf of the Presbytery where possible and expedient; to ensure the annual certification of the Sexual Misconduct Policy; and to annually develop the Compensation Guidelines; with specific authority:

    To dissolve pastoral relationships and dismiss ministers to other Presbyteries when both ministers and congregation agree

    To examine and receive ministers into Presbytery without further examination on the floor of Presbytery unless an examinee declares a scruple concerning a tenet, and if COM concludes that the examinee is otherwise ordainable, commissionable, or transferable. COM shall then refer the issue of ordination, commissioning, or transfer to the next convened PEVA meeting without recommendation

    To validate the work of its ministers

    To approve calls and covenants of ministers

    To approve temporary relationship agreements

    To approve ruling elders for commissioning to pastoral service

    To grant permission to labor within and outside Presbytery bounds

    To approve moderators for congregations in transition

    To approve persons requesting to be added to the pulpit supply list

    To learn more about the COM, please see page 12 of the PEVA Manual of Administrative Operations.

    COM Members

    The Reverend Charles Tucker, Class of 2026, Moderator

    Elder Leslie Brooks (Hidenwood), Class of 2026

    The Reverend Dr. Michael Condrey, Class of 2027

    Elder Robin Cowherd (First Presbyterian Church, Norfolk) Vice-Moderator (Commissioned Pastors), Class of 2027

    The Reverend Clark DeSarro-Raynal – Vice-Moderator (Transitions), Class of 2026

    The Reverend Dr. Wilbur “Doug” Douglass, Class of 2028

    The Rev. Monica Gould, Vice-Moderator of Examinations, Class of 2027

    The Reverend Elizabeth Hilkerbaumer "Beth", Class of 2026

    Elder Roxie Holder (New Horizons Presbyterian Church), Class of 2028

    Elder Tom Holt (First Presbyterian Church, Hampton) Class of 2026

    The Reverend Pamela Hrncir, Class of 2028

    Elder Bruce Knight (KirkWood Presbyterian Church), Class of 2027

    The Rev. Dr. Melissa Long (Transitional General Presbyter), Ex Officio

    The Reverend Lyndsey McCall-Gilliam

    Elder David McKercher (St. Andrew Presbyterian Church) Class of 2028

    The Rev. Catherine Hart Monroe, Class of 2027

    Elder Yvette Young Myrick (New Horizons  Presbyterian Church), Class of 2027

    The Reverend Jaechul “Jay” Pi, Class of 2027

    Elder Gail Pittman (First Presbyterian Church, Portsmouth), Class of 2027

    The Reverend Dr. Christian Shearer, Class of 2028

    Elder Q. John Tamm (Stated Clerk), Ex Officio

    The Reverend Veronica Thomas - Vice-Moderator (Wellness), Class of 2026

    The Reverend Dr. Helen “Lou” Ventura, Class of 2028

    Elder Ken Wheeler (Providence), Vice Moderator of Liaisons, Class of 2026

    Elder Marcy Wright (Carver Memorial), Class of 2026

  • Commission on Preparation for Ministry (CPM)

    The Commission on Preparation for Ministry (CPM) is governed by the Book of Order(G-3.0307) and guides, nurtures, and oversees the process of preparing one to become a minister. The Commission has oversight of all inquirers and candidates, receives inquirers, and makes recommendations to the Presbytery on those to become candidates, holds annual consultations, and certifies candidates ready for ordination as a minister with the authority to:

    Accept applicants for the office of minister as inquirers

    Transfer the Covenant Relationship of Candidates for the office of minister to another Presbytery when requested by the other Presbytery, when such transfer is deemed to be in the best interest of the Candidate and the Church.

    To learn more about the CPM, please see pages 12-13 of the PEVA Manual of Administrative Operations.

    CPM Members

    The Reverend Michelle Burcher "Mike", Class of 2027 - MODERATOR

    Elder Karen Harris (First Presbyterian Church, Virginia Beach), Class of 2026

    The Reverend Carter Jones, Class of 2026

    The Reverend Dr  Melissa Sumner Long (Transitional General Presbyter), Ex Officio

    Elder Charlie Reece (KirkWood Presbyterian Church), Class of 2028

    Elder Gary Reese (Providence Presbyterian Church), Class of 2027

    Elder Q. John Tamm (Stated Clerk), Ex Officio

    The Reverend Andrew Whitehead, Class of 2028

  • Nominations Committee

    The Nominations Committee nominates persons to serve in positions requiring election by the Presbytery ensuring that nominations are made by an entity broadly representative of the constituency of the council and in conformity with the church’s commitment to unity in diversity (F-1.0403).

    To learn more about the Nominations Committee, please see page 13 of the PEVA Manual of Administrative Operations.

    Nominations Members

    Elder Linda Marley Smith (Simonsdale Presbyterian Church), Class of 2026, Moderator

    The Reverend Jeff Bell, Class of 2026

    The Reverend Dr. Michael Condrey, Class of 2026

    Commissioned Pastor Sid Etherington (Lafayette), Class of 2027

    Elder Mike Fore (KirkWood Presbyterian Church), Class of 2027

    The Reverend Dr  Melissa Lissa Long (Transitional General Presbyter), Ex Officio

    The Reverend Linda Rainey, Class of 2027

    Elder Q. John Tamm (Stated Clerk), Ex Officio

  • Congregational Vitality Ministry Team (CVT)

    The Congregational Vitality Ministry Team (CVT) is a ministry team of the Presbytery organized to provide better support to congregations.

    The CVT seeks to equip, nurture and support Presbytery member congregations to renew, recover and live evermore faithfully in our common calling as disciples of Jesus Christ. We do this by developing tools to assess, discern and implement practices that help the congregations deepen their discipleship, so that they may be transformed, and the mission 15 of God spread throughout our community and the world. The CVT may use funds allocated through the budget process or available from the Church Legacies Fund to develop and provide tools, resources, and training for congregations.

    To learn more about the CVT, please see pages 14-15 of the PEVA Manual of Administrative Operations.

    CVT Members

    The Reverend Dr. Garrett Bugg

    The Reverend Dr. Chris Carrasco

    The Reverend Eric Peltz

    The Reverend Joel Phillips, Chair

    The Reverend Dr  Melissa Lissa Long (Transitional General Presbyter), Ex Officio

  • Personnel Committee

    The Personnel Committee provides counsel, support, and accountability to foster a healthy, thriving Presbytery staff. Their responsibilities include making recommendations to Council for: policies and procedures that define expectations and obligations, equitable and fair compensation and benefits, and up to date position descriptions. The committee ensures fair, regular, and consistent evaluation support for professional growth, and recognition of staff achievements.

    To learn more about the Personnel Committee, please see page 13 of the PEVA Manual of Administrative Operations.

    Personnel Members

    The Reverend Dr. Garrett Bugg, Chair

    Elder Joyce Melvin-Jones (Carver Memorial)

    Elder Gail Pittman (First Presbyterian Church, Portsmouth)

  • Compassion Peace & Justice Ministry Teams (CPJ)

    The purpose of the PEVA Compassion Peace and Justice Ministry Teams (CPJ) is to inspire, equip, and mobilize congregations to respond in faith to contemporary human and environmental realities. The Ministry engages with Presbyterians and partners across the Presbytery to:

    • End poverty and hunger
    • Promote peace and transform cultures of violence
    • Promote solidarity with all people
    • Promote solidarity with Creation

    To learn more about the Compassion, Peace, and Justice Ministry Teams, please see page 14 of the PEVA Manual of Administrative Operations.

  • CPJ-Hunger Ministry Team

    The Hunger Committee of PEVA, believing that hunger is unacceptable, leads and challenges the churches of PEVA and its entities in Christ’s name to alleviate chronic hunger and its immediate causes at home and abroad through information dissemination, education, advocacy, and the provisions of resources. The Hunger Ministry Team allocates funds allocated through the PEVA budget and special offerings to support hunger ministries and advocacy.

    Elder Kelvin Jackson (First United Presbyterian Church - Co-chair

    Elder Gail Schwartzer (Wycliffe Presbyterian Church) - Co-chair

  • CPJ-Peacemaking Ministry Team

    The Peacemaking Ministry inspires, equips, and mobilizes PEVA congregations and members to work for peace and social justice. The Peacemaking Ministry allocates funds wisely through the PEVA budget and special offerings to support peacemaking efforts, programs, events, advocacy, resources and may host a PCUSA international peacemaker.

    Elder Gerry Ellis (Denbigh United Presbyterian Church) - Chair

  • CPJ-Racial Justice Team

    The Racial Justice Team of PEVA educates, inspires, equips, and mobilizes congregations and members to work for racial justice and healing. 

    Elder Claudette Gravely (New Horizon Presbyterian Church) - Co-chair

    Elder  Lisa Schlickenmeyer (Hilton Presbyterian Church -  Co-chair

  • Sessional Records Committee

    The Sessional Records Committee reviews the minutes of sessions and congregations for
    administrative review and makes  ecommendation that they be received with or without exceptions to the Presbytery.

    To learn more about the Sessional Records
    Committee, please see pages 13-14 of the PEVA Manual of Administrative Operations.

    Sessional Records Committee Members

    Elder Jill Keiffer (Second Presbyterian Church), Chair

    Elder Robert Baker (Bayside Presbyterian Church)

    Elder Debbie Brasswell (Bethany Presbyterian Church)

    Elder Rose Busetti (Lynnhaven Presbyterian Church)

    Elder Q. John Tamm (Stated Clerk), Ex Officio

    Elder Maggie Van Guilder (First Presbyterian Church, Hampton)

  • Youth and Young Adult Ministry Team (YAYA)

    The Youth and Young Adult Ministry Team (YAYA) ministers to and connects youth, young adults, college students, and international students.

    To learn more about the YAYA Ministry Team, please see page 15 of the PEVA Manual of Administrative Operations.

    YAYA Members

    Vacant at this time 

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