Inspires, equips, and mobilizes congregations to respond in faith to contemporary human and environmental realities. The Ministry engages with Presbyterians and partners across the Presbytery to:
The CPJ Ministry Team consists of ministers and members of PEVA congregations serving on the
Members of the Compassion, Peace, and Justice team will facilitate the 3-part study over the next year. If you miss a part at one place, you have the option to catch it another time. There will be a wrap-up discussion (break out) and next steps into action at the July 2025 Presbytery meeting at Hidenwood Presbyterian Church.
Presbytery Office (in-person & Zoom):
Thursday, October 24, 2024, at 6:30 pm
Chapters 1-3
Thursday, December 5, 2024, at 6:30 pm
Chapters 4-6
Thursday, February 27, 2025, at 6:30 pm
Chapters 7-End
Dates for the Denbigh United Presbyterian Church:
(in-person only)
Tuesday, November 12, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. Chapters 1-3
***NEW DATE*** Tuesday April 1st
2025, at 6:30 p.m. Chapters 4-6
Tuesday May 13, 2025, at 6:30 p.m.
Chapters 7-End
Dates for the Bayside Presbyterian Church:
(in-person only)
Monday, December 2, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. Rm 508 Chapters 1-3
Monday March 3, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. Rm 508 Chapters 4-6
Monday May 19, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. Rm 508
Chapters 7-End
A collaborative group of Presbyterians who studied Matthew Desmond’s book “Poverty by America” together have created this PDF hand-out that highlights some of Desmond’s proposed solutions and linked to PC(USA) policies and statements that agree with those proposals.
" The book Poverty By America does not have the answers either, but it does highlight areas I can make changes in my own life. Perhaps by making shifts in how I shop, where I shop, how I engage in my community and how I use my voice can help someone gain a little more peace in theirs.
Join us in reading Poverty By America and joining in one of the discussions offered by PEVA over the next few weeks. Perhaps we can make some shifts together."
With prayer,
Rev. Dr. Lissa Long
Transitional General Presbyter
The Hunger Ministry Team of PEVA, believing that hunger is unacceptable, leads and challenges the churches of PEVA and its entities in Christ’s name to alleviate chronic hunger and its immediate causes at home and abroad through information dissemination, education, advocacy, and the provisions of resources.
The PEVA Peacemaking Ministry Team inspires, equips and mobilizes PEVA congregations and members to work for peace, and social justice.
The Racial Justice Team of PEVA educates, inspires, equips, and mobilizes congregations and members to work for racial justice and healing.
The Mission Yearbook dates back to 1892 as a simple calendar of prayer & study to help others pray for missionaries and ministries on designated days. It has the longest history of any denominational mission and prayer book in the United States.
GIVE - BY TEXT: Text PDA to 20222. This provides $10 to support disaster response where needed most. Designate your gift Give to a disaster or relief project of your choice.
ACT - STAY INFORMED- Sign up to receive PDA RIN (Rapid Information Network) emails to be aware of current responses and urgent needs you can share with your congregation. Email PDA to request the complimentary Mission Mosaic by mail to read stories of disaster recovery around the world in magazine format. Volunteer, Work teams or PEVA's Disaster Recovery Planning Team (DRPT) are groups of volunteers (three or more) who help to clean up and rebuild disaster-affected areas throughout the United States. PDA volunteers are individuals with specific skills who serve as members of various teams to help PDA in its mission of disaster response both nationally and internationally.
Assemble Gift of the Heart Kits, an excellent hands-on project for youth groups, Presbyterian Women and others who want a tangible way to be involved. The most frequently needed kits in a disaster are the School kit, Health kit and Layette kit.
Get involved in a U.S. Growing Project- Start or participate in a community growing project in the United States. Raise money to fund overseas food security programs that are helping people help themselves. Explore the Foods Resource Bank.
PRAY - OUR BEST RESPONSE IS PRAYER. Pray for the people whose lives were directly affected by a disaster in their community, pray for the relief workers and those who are offering assistance, and pray that hope will be found out of the chaos of disasters.
Find prayers, hymns, poems and other worship resources related to disaster and recovery.
Office Hours
*Monday - Thursday 9AM-4PM
*Friday 10AM - 4PM
Phone 757-397-7063
Fax 757-397-7246
*A staff member is usually available between 10-4. Please call before coming to the office.
All Rights Reserved Presbytery of Eastern Virginia