The Synod of the MId-Atlantic Presbyterian Women's Gathering will be at Massanetta Springs Camp and Conference Center, Harrisonburg, Virgina.
Presbyterian Women (PW) offers women in the church meaningful ways to live out their faith in the midst of a caring community of women. PW groups have strengthened the Presbyterian Church and played a major role in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and witnessing to the promise of God’s kingdom.
Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves
Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery build community; affirm women’s calls to leadership and spiritual growth; and serve as a link between Presbyterian Women in the Congregation groups and the Presbyterian Women in the Synod group.
In terms of accountability and structure, PWP groups
• elect their own leadership—the coordinating team;
• plan and implement a yearly program and determine their own budgets;
• participate in PW programming, such as PW/Horizons Bible study, mission, giving, racial equity, or justice and peace work;
• support the mission of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.);
• develop the leadership abilities of women;
• preserve historical records of PW in the Presbytery; and
• maintain connections with PW at other governing body levels.
The data will be used to update the Directory and assure proper delivery of information. If officers are elected in the spring or summer, but not installed until the fall.
Coordinating Team (CT) Roster PW PEVA (PWP) Moderator Jill Keifer Email: ,Vice Moderator Vivian Christie Email:, Treasurer Danielle Kelley Email:, At Large Kandy Keith, At Large Rev. Dr. Lou Ventura Email:
Opening a church for a Gathering can provide an opportunity for women in the congregation to work together with women from other congregations
Helpful Hints for PW Church Historians such as: Source Materials to File , Guidelines for writing histories, and Guidelines for Submitting Histories.
Numerous free Antiracism & Cultural Humility Resources available for free download.
Annual Report of the MODERATOR
Presbyterian Women of the Congregation (PWC)
Please use this form to make your report to the Presbyterian Women of the Presbytery (PWP).
Presbyterian Women understands that scripture asks us to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world. As such, Presbyterian Women provides information about justice and peace, and ministry to inform mission and community building work. Learn more at the PCUSA PW Webiste.
PW in the Congregation treasurers, use this form to send gifts to your PW in the Presbytery.
PW Presbytery treasurers, use this form to send gifts to National PW.
Quarterly remittances and summaries should be mailed in time to reach the PW in the PC(USA) treasurer no later than March 1, June 1, September 1 and December 1. They may be mailed earlier.
A list of recommended resources for justice & peace that was published in the PW News Bytes on page 11 (March 2023).
Presbyterian Women Resource Catalog The Spring/Summer 2023 Resources for Presbyterian Women catalog will be available soon to download ( and share, peruse and enjoy!
Office Hours
*Monday - Thursday 9AM-4PM
*Friday 10AM - 4PM
Phone 757-397-7063
Fax 757-397-7246
*A staff member is usually available between 10-4. Please call before coming to the office.
All Rights Reserved Presbytery of Eastern Virginia