Board of Trustees  - Financial Page

The Board of Trustees shall serve as the Directors of PEVA, Inc. and as delegated by the Presbytery shall have such limited power, authority, and responsibilities of and shall perform the functions provided by a board of directors under the Virginia Nonstock Corporation Act (hereinafter the "Act." Except as otherwise provided by the Act, the Articles, the Bylaws, the Constitution or this Manual of Operations, the authority to carry out the business affairs of PEVA shall be exercised by the Board of Trustees. The Board shall fulfill the functions required by civil law and those that the Presbytery assigns to it. It shall be responsible for implementing the policies of the Members related to investments, financial guidance, and property; and shall arrange for an annual financial review.

The Board of Trustees shall be comprised of at least six and no more than eleven individuals including its moderator and be elected by the Presbytery. The Trustee Moderator shall be recommended by the Trustees for PEVA election. Trustees shall include both ministers and ruling elders and normally be divided into three approximately equal classes. They shall normally serve a three-year term and may be elected for one additional three-year term. No trustee shall serve on the Board of Trustees for more than six consecutive years. The General Presbyter and Stated Clerk shall be ex officio members of the Board of Trustees without vote.

To learn more about the Board of Trustees, please see pages 8-9 of the PEVA Manual of Administrative Operations.

  • Designated Giving Support to the Ministries of PEVA, SYNOD of the Mid-Atlantic & PC(USA)

    Designated giving represents that financial support and out-reach “over and above” Unified Mission Giving.  The support our member churches provide to the special “designated giving” supports many special ministries and out-reach to extend the glorification of God and our Lord Jesus Christ.  “Designated Giving” support 5 principal categories: 

    PCUSA Support Missionaries 

    • PCUSA GA Projects   
    • PCUSA Specail Offerings and Other PCUSA Approved Validated Causes 
    • Synod Validated Causes
    • Presbytery Validated Causes 

    There are many advantages to providing your “Designated Giving” through PEVA.  This method allows your church to write just one check with their remittance document to cover their Unified Mission Giving (pledge, Code 1000) and “designate” any number of additional giving on the same remittance.  When PEVA receives your remittance, the indicated amount is recorded to the appropriate remittance code indicated on your remittance form.  PEVA is able to consolidate all contributions to the same “designated” recipient and send a single check to that recipient. 

  • PEVA Mileage

  • Per Capita

    PEVA must pay Per Capita for every member of every church regardless of the amount pledged and remitted to the presbytery by that church.

    Per Capita supports the administration and ministry of Synod and PCUSA. As a connectional church body, the support of the “larger Presbyterian Church” is critical to undergird the many, far reaching ministries for which collective funding is vital. 

    • PCUSA 2023 Per Capita  $9.85 per member
    • Synod 2023 Per Capita $1.15 per member

    • PCUSA 2024 Per Capita $9.80 per member
    • Synod 2024 Per Capita Synod per capita rate remains at $1.15 for 2024
  • PEVA Church Remittance,& Church Pledge Form

    PEVA 2023 Pledge Form & Remittance Form can be found at

  • Retention for Church Records

    The PEVA recommend retention list and the Presbyterian Historical Society recommend list can be found at


    If you are uncertain how long to keep records, consult your auditor, accountant, legal advisor, or contact the staff of the Society.  Some retention requirements vary from state to state.  The Presbyterian Historical Society is the national archives of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and its primary historical research center. Their mission is to collect, preserve, and share the story of the American Presbyterian experience with Presbyterians, the scholarly community, and the general public.

  • Undesignated Unified Mission to Support the Ministries of PEVA, SYNOD of the Mid-Atlantic & PC(USA)

    Annually member churches develop their budget for supporting the Presbytery through their pledges to PEVA for Unified Mission Giving Undesignated which supports the Presbytery’s annual operating budget that funds the Presbytery’s on-going, day-to-day ministries. Many churches also, concurrently, develop their plan for giving designated ministries.  Other churches plan their giving to designated ministries at another time in the church’s calendar.  Whichever, the case the summaries provided here may be useful in your designated giving decisions.

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