Stated Meeting Information


Tuesday, April 29, 2025, 10:00 a.m.


Lynnhaven Presbyterian Church

136 S. Lynnhaven Rd., Virginia Beach, VA 23452

Image of Wycliffe Presbyterian Church in Virginia Beach, VA


Online registration is now open.

Click here to register.

SPEAK OUT   has been discontinued by the Presbytery Council. Announcements may be sent to the presbytery administrator
Raymond Rodrigues) by FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2025, for inclusion in the pre-meeting PowerPoint.




July 22, 2025, at Hidenwood Presbyterian Church, Newport News, VA

October 28, 2025, at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church of Princess Anne,
Virginia Beach VA

January 24, 2026, at King's Grant Presbyterian Church, Virginia Beach, VA

April 28, 2026, location TBA


The documents for this meeting are located below.

The main document is THE PEVA PACKET. It will contain most if not all of what you will need for the meeting.

Documents marked with an asterisk (*) are included in the packet but are available to download separately. 

Click on the plus (+) to the left of the document name to learn more about the document and download it. Note: You will see a Download Button when the document is ready to download.

PEVA Meeting Orientation Video

Coming soon


    The PEVA Packet contains all of the documents you will need to prepare for the meeting. It will include the Announcements, Docket, Directions, Consent Agenda, Civil Debate, Guidelines for Presbyterians in Times of Disagreement, and all reports submitted by the deadline. Some of these documents will be available to download separately.

  • *Announcements

    Please read this document. It is included in the packet.

    The Announcements document includes pertinent information for the meeting. It will include the following information: childcare, meal cost, registration, reports, debate protocol, motions/amendments, speak out, distribution of papers, displays, and session records.


  • *Docket

    The Docket is the agenda for the meeting. It lays out the order for the meeting. It is included in the packet.

  • *Directions

    Directions to Denbigh United Presbyterian Church.

  • Summary of Motions

    This is a summary of all motions from all reports.

  • Proposed Amendments to the Constitution And Episcopal-Presbyterian Agreement on Local Sharing of Ministries

    These amendments to the Book of Order and the agreement were approved by the 226th General Assembly (2024) and recommended to the presbyteries for their vote.

    The amendments will be voted on at the April 2025 meeting.

    This is a 58-page document and is not included in the packet.

    Download the Amendments
  • *Civil Debate

    The Book of Order (Section F-1.0401) designates the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised (RONR) as the parliamentary authority to be used in meetings of councils. 

    This document summarizes the more common Robert's Rules of Order. 

    Download Civil Debate
  • *Guidelines for Times of Disagreement

    Adopted by the 204th General Assembly (1992) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), this document seeks to guide us in times of conflict and disagreement.

    Download the Guidelines
  • *Opportunity to Serve

    The Presbytery needs your service.  If you are interested in serving on a particular commission, committee, or ministry team, please fill out the form and return it to the Stated Clerk.

    Download Opportunity
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