Peacemaking Ministry Team

The PEVA Peacemaking Team inspires, equips and mobilizes PEVA congregations and members to work for peace,  social and environmental justice issues such as.

  • Poverty
  • Violence
  • Racism
  • Climate Change
  • Immigration/migration

The ministry of peacemaking is central to our calling and identity as God’s People.

Peace & Global Witness Offering

As a community of faith, we extend Christ’s peace throughout the world even in these uncertain times. Help us proclaim God’s presence of peace by receiving the Peace & Global Witness Offering.

Learn more >

Some Changes in the PCUSA Peacemaking Program

The Believers’ Calling identified three core responsibilities of the Presbyterian Church:

• The church is faithful to Christ when it is engaged in peacemaking. 

• The church is obedient to Christ when it nurtures and equips God’s people as peacemakers. 

• The church bears witness to Christ when it nourishes the moral life of the nation for the sake of peace in the world. 

These three priorities are more important than ever. 

The work of peacemaking in the life of the Presbyterian Church will continue.  It is being moved to work more closely with the Office of Public Witness and the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations.

Voice of Jubilee

Create healing and hope for incarcerated youth around Virginia with Voices of Jubilee. VOJ is a new worshiping community of hope and liberation, connecting with incarcerated youth in Virginia.  It is supported by the Presbytery of the James. PEVA's Peacemaking Ministry Team has also supported them with with Pentecost funds .

Poverty Facts and Myths

We all know people who are ALICE: Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed — earning more than the Federal Poverty Level, but not enough to afford the basics where they live.  - 3.3 million households in Virginia, 1,337,175-  40% had income below the ALICE Household Survival Threshold in 2022.

Most Americans Will Experience Poverty

Poverty Myths May Benefit the Nonpoor

Five myths about Poverty Washington Post

PEVA Peacemaking Grants

If you or your church are seeking funds for peacemaking related ministries or activities PEVA's Peacemaking Ministry Team has grants available. Gant Applications & Guidelines 

Virginia Organizing

 is a non-partisan statewide grassroots organization dedicated to challenging injustice by empowering people in local communities to address issues that affect the quality of their lives. There are several teams to address local issues such as, Environmental Justice, Affordable Health Act, Transportation Concerns, Affordable Housing & Homelessness, Immigration Reform & Dismantling Racism, Voter Participation & Restoration of Voting Rights, and Economic Justice & Workers Rights.
Every week, Virginia Organizing posts concrete steps so you can take timely and important action! Tips to making your action effective: If you need more information or want to learn more about how to get active in your community, please contact or 434-984-4655 ext. 227. You can also sign up for email updates and action alerts at  Virginia Organizing is supported by CPJ - PEVA's Peacemaking Committee.

Robert Nusbaum Center

(Center for the Study of Religious Freedom)

Through high-impact learning experiences, the

 Robert Nusbaum Center informs, transforms, and equips individuals to be engaged leaders and citizens, as they increasingly understand why religious freedom is a basic human right of daily significance. Since the late 1700s, the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom has shaped Hampton Roads. PEVA's CPJ -  Peacemaking Ministry Team supports the efforts of the Robert Nusbaum Center and building bridges and fostering a dialogue of inclusiveness.

Virginia Interfaith Center for

Public Policy


Engaging people of faith and goodwill to advocate for economic, racial, and social justice in Virginia’s policies and practices through education, prayer and action.

            Donate , Volunteer ,

 Sign up for VICPP emails


CPJ and its ministry teams supports in partnership with the efforts of the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy.

Creation Care

 & Eco Justice 

Climate change is a moral and spiritual issue that is causing unprecedented harm to God’s creation and people. Climate change is having and will continue to have profound effects from injury and illness to displacement and destruction on people across the globe. The most vulnerable among us are being harmed first and worst.

​IRA Funds for Green Energy Projects – Presbyterians for Earth Care (

New Presbyterians for Earth Care has a new brochure for 2023!  Download Brochure Here 
Learn more about 
Earth Care Congregations read stories, blogs and view the Earth Care Congregation map. 

Creation Care Links

Restoring Creation Loans (Lower interest rates thru theThe Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Investment and Loan Program) The Restoring Creation Loan makes it easier for congregations to ensure our church buildings reflect who we are as a community of faith. Qualifying Projects such as High-efficiency HVAC systems, Energy efficient lighting systems,  High-efficiency water heaters,  Solar panels,  Insulation, and

Energy efficient roofing systems.

Synod of the Covenant recently offered an online workshop on preaching in the climate crisis. Rev. Dr. Jerusha Neal, professor of homiletics at Duke Divinity School, led this great offering, titled “Preaching Exilic Hope in the Climate Crisis.”  Watch the recording here. 

 Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions  aims to make the concept of resilience hubs a reality on the ground in Virginia. 

Presbyterians for Carbon Dividends put together these tools: Slide DeckFacilitator NotesResources Handout
Video recording of PCUSA GA decision summary the intent was to create tools people can adapt/adjust to connect with their individual churches or other audiences. 

Blessed Tomorrow 

Creation Justice 
Earth Ministry
Season of Creation

Responding to Gun Violence

In response to recent actions of the PCUSA General Assembly related to reducing gun violence, this will be a key peacemaking priority for the coming year. 

Gun Violence Prevention & Response - Since the 1960s, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and its predecessor denominations have responded to gun violence. Supported  reasonable gun laws to reduce murders, accidents, suicides and injuries. The Presbyterian General Assembly, the denomination’s highest body, has urged churches to post “No Guns in God’s House” signs as a public witness to the need to reduce gun violence. The goal is that 100 churches post this sign, study about this issue, promote constructive theological dialogue, education and awareness about gun violence and to confront the fears and anxieties that can prevent us from entering into healthy debate about what many Christians feel is too political an issue to address in church. 

Gun Violence Prevention Congregational Toolkit

 (Pub Dec. 2011)

Gun Violence Resources Packet - Provides congregations and mid-councils a robust package of material to help congregations put thoughts and prayers about gun violence into obedient action. 

(Pub Sept. 2019)

End Gun Violence Postcard

(Pub Sept. 2019)

Download the free PDF sign to print for your congregation

Download & print the PDF brochure

Guns to Garden Brochure

Companion Guide to the Commitment to Peacemaking

We’ve committed to peacemaking — now what? Check out the “Companion Guide to the Commitment to Peacemaking” here. It assists congregations, mid councils and theological institutions as they make, reaffirm and deepen their commitments to peacemaking. The Companion Guide provides an intentional development plan for your peacemaking work and witness. It offers a set of original and curated resources designed to help Presbyterians engage a peacemaking area of emphasis of their choosing: poverty, violence, racism, climate change or immigration/migration.

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